22 December 2016

Creating backups of database rows

I came across a situation where I needed to make a backup of every row either newley insterted, or updated in my database. I didn’t want to share the latest backed up data on the same table, but then needed a way to reference the pk id of the original row when the data from that row was created for the first time.

MySQL has a handy function called LAST_INSERT_ID() which get’s the last inserted row id just executed. CodeIgniter also has a very easy way to get this value $this->db->insert_id();, which can be assigned to a variable and used with an insert statement, to create a reference to the backup of the new row in the backup table. You'll probably also want to do this under a table lock to prevent concurrent operations.

I don’t know whether this is the best way to do backups. This is just something I came up with. I should probably lookup how others do it at some point :P

15 December 2016

My essential web development tools, processes, libraries

This post will be continuously updated/revised.


Charts and graphs: https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/

Charts and graphs: http://www.chartjs.org/

Sortable tables: http://tablesorter.com/docs/

Vertical slides: http://alvarotrigo.com/pagePiling/#page1

Front-end customisation

tablecloth.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you easily style HTML tables along with some simple customizations.

List.js adds search, sort, filters and flexibility to plain HTML lists, tables, or anything.

Select 2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.

scrollMonitor allows you to receive events when elements enter or exit a viewport.

ScrollReveal - Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.

Parsley is JavaScript form validation library, based on jQuery.

Dev tools

Emmet Re:View - A browser extension for displaying responsive web-pages in a side-by-side views to quickly test how it looks at different resolutions and devices.

MailTrap - Safe email testing for dev teams.


Learn Layout teaches the CSS fundamentals that are used in any website’s layout.

Language libraries

The Voca library offers helpful functions to make string manipulations comfortable

Front-end libraries

W3.CSS is a modern CSS framework with built-in responsiveness. It's based on Google's material design, and is extremely light and easy to work with.

Resolving issues using Google's smtp email with Codeigniter

So this took me days to figure out, so hence a blog-post.

I’ve been looking for an easy way to test apps that use email locally. Using an online smtp service like gmail is in my opinion, much easier than setting up a local mail server. The natural choice for me was gmail since I have already created some test accounts for development there (It’s best not to mix personal and dev accounts for reasons which will be apparent later on). However, I did run into a couple of issues trying this with CodeIgniter.

Issue 1.

With your dev account open, go here and turn on access for less secure apps. Thanks to http://www.wpsitecare.com/gmail-smtp-settings/ for that.

Issue 2.

After loading CodeIgniter’s email library, the following line is essential to send email

$this->email->set_newline("\r\n"); // in the controller

or add the equivalent to the email config file (see example below)

$config['newline'] = "\r\n"; // essential to use double quotes here!!!

(Update: I’ve found more info on that issue here).

After checking off these two points, you can now proceed to send smtp email locally.

Here is a quick example

In application/config, create a file called email.php (it will be automatically recognised by CodeIgniter). Add the following

<?php if(!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

// SMTP config
$config['mailtype'] = 'html'; // default is text
$config['protocol'] = 'smtp';
$config['charset'] = 'utf-8';
//$config['newline'] = "\r\n"; // essential to use double quotes here!!!
$config['smtp_host'] = 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com';
$config['smtp_port'] = 465;
$config['smtp_user'] = 'your_dev_email@gmail.com';
$config['smtp_pass'] = 'Your_Password';

In your controller, add

$this->email->set_newline("\r\n"); // will fail without this line!!!

$this->email->from('your_dev_email@gmail.com', 'Your_Name');
$this->email->subject('Email Test');
$this->email->message('Test_mail controller.');

  $data['message'] = "Mail sent...";
else {
    $data['message'] = "Sorry Unable to send email...";

$this->load->view('your_view', $data);

Then check the output in your_view by echoing the $message variable, and of course check your email ;)